Tory to Whig and back again

In recent weeks the factional nature of political parties has become apparent, with previous members speaking out against their leaders and news of MPs defecting to other parties. But in the 18th century the line between the main political groups was even more murky, and many politicians (as well as the nation!) found themselves going back and forth between them. In the next blog for … Continue reading Tory to Whig and back again

Loud enough to wake the dead? Fireworks and celebration in the mid-18th century

With Guy Fawkes night almost upon us, we can expect to see and hear fireworks going off all across the country. A previous blog showed how throughout the late 17th century, fireworks and bonfires were used to mark the momentous events of the Glorious Revolution and William III’s wars with France. [Making ‘night like day’] As Dr Charles Littleton shows, that tradition continued into the … Continue reading Loud enough to wake the dead? Fireworks and celebration in the mid-18th century